
[fork] interactive rc shell
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nalloc.c (3173B)

      1 /* nalloc.c: a simple single-arena allocator for command-line-lifetime allocation */
      2 #include "rc.h"
      4 static struct Block {
      5 	size_t used, size;
      6 	char *mem;
      7 	Block *n;
      8 } *fl, *ul;
     10 /* alignto() works only with power of 2 blocks and assumes 2's complement arithmetic */
     11 #define alignto(m, n)   ((m + n - 1) & ~(n - 1))
     12 #define BLOCKSIZE ((size_t) 4096)
     14 /* Allocate a block from the free list or malloc one if none in the fl fit */
     16 static void getblock(size_t n) {
     17 	Block *r, *p;
     18 	for (r = fl, p = NULL; r != NULL; p = r, r = r->n)
     19 		if (n <= r->size)
     20 			break;	/* look for a block which fits the request */
     21 	if (r != NULL) {	/* if one is found, take it off the free list */	
     22 		if (p != NULL)
     23 			p->n = r->n;
     24 		else
     25 			fl = r->n;
     26 	} else {		/* else allocate a new block */
     27 		r = enew(Block);
     28 		r->mem = ealloc(r->size = alignto(n, BLOCKSIZE));
     29 	}
     30 	r->used = 0;
     31 	r->n = ul;
     32 	ul = r;
     33 }
     35 /*
     36    A fast single-arena allocator. Looks at the current block, and if
     37    there is not enough room, it goes to getblock() for more. "ul"
     38    stands for "used list", and the head of the list is the current
     39    block. "ulp" is a register cache for "ul"; this routine is hacked
     40    for speed. (sigh, optimizing RISC compilers still can't cache the
     41    address of a global in a register)
     42 */
     44 extern void *nalloc(size_t n) {
     45 	size_t base;
     46 	Block *ulp;
     47 	n = alignto(n, sizeof(align_t));
     48 	ulp = ul;
     49 	if (ulp != NULL && n + (base = ulp->used) < ulp->size) {
     50 		ulp->used = base + n;
     51 		return &ulp->mem[base];
     52 	} else {
     53 		getblock(n);
     54 		assert(ul->used == 0);
     55 		(ulp = ul)->used = n;
     56 		return &ulp->mem[0];
     57 	}
     58 }
     60 /*
     61    Frees memory from nalloc space by putting it on the free list.
     62    Returns free blocks to the system, retaining at least MAXMEM bytes
     63    worth of blocks for nalloc.
     64 */
     66 #define MAXMEM 500000
     68 extern void nfree() {
     69 	size_t count;
     70 	Block *r;
     71 	if (ul == NULL)
     72 		return;
     73 	for (r = ul; r->n != NULL; r = r->n)
     74 		;	/* get to end of used list */
     75 	r->n = fl;	/* tack free list onto it */
     76 	fl = ul;	/* and make it the free list */
     77 	ul = NULL;	/* finally, zero out the used list */
     78 	for (r = fl, count = r->size; r->n != NULL; r = r->n, count += r->size) {
     79 		if (count >= MAXMEM) {
     80 			Block *tmp = r;
     81 			r = r->n;
     82 			tmp->n = NULL;		/* terminate the free list */
     83 			while (r != NULL) {	/* free memory off the tail of the free list */
     84 				tmp = r->n;
     85 				efree(r->mem);
     86 				efree(r);
     87 				r = tmp;
     88 			}
     89 		return;
     90 		}
     91 	}
     92 }
     94 /*
     95    "Allocates" a new arena by zeroing out the old one. Up to the
     96    calling routine to keep the old value of the block around.
     97 */
     99 extern Block *newblock() {
    100 	Block *old = ul;
    101 	ul = NULL;
    102 	return old;
    103 }
    105 /* "Restores" an arena to its saved value. */
    107 extern void restoreblock(Block *old) {
    108 	nfree();
    109 	ul = old;
    110 }
    112 /* generic memory allocation functions */
    114 extern void *ealloc(size_t n) {
    115 	void *p;
    117 	assert(n);
    118 	p = malloc(n);
    119 	if (p == NULL) {
    120 		uerror("malloc");
    121 		rc_exit(1);
    122 	}
    123 	return p;
    124 }
    126 extern void *erealloc(void *p, size_t n) {
    127 	if (p == NULL)		/* erealloc() has POSIX realloc() semantics */
    128 		return ealloc(n);
    129 	if ((p = realloc(p, n)) == NULL) {
    130 		uerror("realloc");
    131 		rc_exit(1);
    132 	}
    133 	return p;
    134 }
    136 extern void efree(void *p) {
    137 	if (p != NULL)
    138 		free(p);
    139 }