
[fork] interactive rc shell
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hash.c (7898B)

      1 /* hash.c: hash table support for functions and variables. */
      3 /*
      4    Functions and variables are cached in both internal and external
      5    form for performance. Thus a variable which is never "dereferenced"
      6    with a $ is passed on to rc's children untouched. This is not so
      7    important for variables, but is a big win for functions, where a call
      8    to yyparse() is involved.
      9 */
     11 #include "rc.h"
     12 #include "sigmsgs.h"
     14 static bool var_exportable(char *);
     15 static bool fn_exportable(char *);
     16 static int hash(char *, int);
     17 static int find(char *, Htab *, int);
     18 static void free_fn(rc_Function *);
     20 Htab *fp;
     21 Htab *vp;
     22 static int fused, fsize, vused, vsize;
     23 static char **env;
     24 static int bozosize;
     25 static int envsize;
     26 static bool env_dirty = TRUE;
     27 static char *dead = "";
     29 #define HASHSIZE 64 /* rc was debugged with HASHSIZE == 2; 64 is about right for normal use */
     31 extern void inithash() {
     32 	Htab *fpp, *vpp;
     33 	int i;
     34 	fp = ealloc(sizeof(Htab) * HASHSIZE);
     35 	vp = ealloc(sizeof(Htab) * HASHSIZE);
     36 	fused = vused = 0;
     37 	fsize = vsize = HASHSIZE;
     38 	for (vpp = vp, fpp = fp, i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i++, vpp++, fpp++)
     39 		vpp->name = fpp->name = NULL;
     40 }
     42 #define ADV()   {if ((c = *s++) == '\0') break;}
     44 /* hash function courtesy of paul haahr */
     46 static int hash(char *s, int size) {
     47 	int c, n = 0;
     48 	while (1) {
     49 		ADV();
     50 		n += (c << 17) ^ (c << 11) ^ (c << 5) ^ (c >> 1);
     51 		ADV();
     52 		n ^= (c << 14) + (c << 7) + (c << 4) + c;
     53 		ADV();
     54 		n ^= (~c << 11) | ((c << 3) ^ (c >> 1));
     55 		ADV();
     56 		n -= (c << 16) | (c << 9) | (c << 2) | (c & 3);
     57 	}
     58 	if (n < 0)
     59 		n = ~n;
     60 	return n & (size - 1); /* need power of 2 size */
     61 }
     63 static bool rehash(Htab *ht) {
     64 	int i, j, size;
     65 	int newsize, newused;
     66 	Htab *newhtab;
     67 	if (ht == fp) {
     68 		if (fsize > 2 * fused)
     69 			return FALSE;
     70 		size = fsize;
     71 	} else {
     72 		if (vsize > 2 * vused)
     73 			return FALSE;
     74 		size = vsize;
     75 	}
     76 	newsize = 2 * size;
     77 	newhtab = ealloc(newsize * sizeof(Htab));
     78 	for (i = 0; i < newsize; i++)
     79 		newhtab[i].name = NULL;
     80 	for (i = newused = 0; i < size; i++)
     81 		if (ht[i].name != NULL && ht[i].name != dead) {
     82 			newused++;
     83 			j = hash(ht[i].name, newsize);
     84 			while (newhtab[j].name != NULL) {
     85 				j++;
     86 				j &= (newsize - 1);
     87 			}
     88 			newhtab[j].name = ht[i].name;
     89 			newhtab[j].p = ht[i].p;
     90 		}
     91 	if (ht == fp) {
     92 		fused = newused;
     93 		fp = newhtab;
     94 		fsize = newsize;
     95 	} else {
     96 		vused = newused;
     97 		vp = newhtab;
     98 		vsize = newsize;
     99 	}
    100 	efree(ht);
    101 	return TRUE;
    102 }
    104 #define varfind(s) find(s, vp, vsize)
    105 #define fnfind(s) find(s, fp, fsize)
    107 static int find(char *s, Htab *ht, int size) {
    108 	int h = hash(s, size);
    109 	while (ht[h].name != NULL && !streq(ht[h].name, s)) {
    110 		h++;
    111 		h &= size - 1;
    112 	}
    113 	return h;
    114 }
    116 extern void *lookup(char *s, Htab *ht) {
    117 	int h = find(s, ht, ht == fp ? fsize : vsize);
    118 	return (ht[h].name == NULL) ? NULL : ht[h].p;
    119 }
    121 extern rc_Function *get_fn_place(char *s) {
    122 	int h = fnfind(s);
    123 	env_dirty = TRUE;
    124 	if (fp[h].name == NULL) {
    125 		if (rehash(fp))
    126 			h = fnfind(s);
    127 		fused++;
    128 		fp[h].name = ecpy(s);
    129 		fp[h].p = enew(rc_Function);
    130 	} else
    131 		free_fn(fp[h].p);
    132 	return fp[h].p;
    133 }
    135 extern Variable *get_var_place(char *s, bool stack) {
    136 	Variable *new;
    137 	int h = varfind(s);
    139 	env_dirty = TRUE;
    141 	if (vp[h].name == NULL) {
    142 		if (rehash(vp))
    143 			h = varfind(s);
    144 		vused++;
    145 		vp[h].name = ecpy(s);
    146 		vp[h].p = enew(Variable);
    147 		((Variable *)vp[h].p)->n = NULL;
    148 		return vp[h].p;
    149 	} else {
    150 		if (stack) {	/* increase the stack by 1 */
    151 			new = enew(Variable);
    152 			new->n = vp[h].p;
    153 			return vp[h].p = new;
    154 		} else {	/* trample the top of the stack */
    155 			new = vp[h].p;
    156 			efree(new->extdef);
    157 			listfree(new->def);
    158 			return new;
    159 		}
    160 	}
    161 }
    163 extern void delete_fn(char *s) {
    164 	int h = fnfind(s);
    165 	if (fp[h].name == NULL)
    166 		return; /* not found */
    167 	env_dirty = TRUE;
    168 	free_fn(fp[h].p);
    169 	efree(fp[h].p);
    170 	efree(fp[h].name);
    171 	if (fp[(h+1)&(fsize-1)].name == NULL) {
    172 		--fused;
    173 		fp[h].name = NULL;
    174 	} else {
    175 		fp[h].name = dead;
    176 	}
    177 }
    179 extern void delete_var(char *s, bool stack) {
    180 	int h = varfind(s);
    181 	Variable *v;
    182 	if (vp[h].name == NULL)
    183 		return; /* not found */
    184 	env_dirty = TRUE;
    185 	v = vp[h].p;
    186 	efree(v->extdef);
    187 	listfree(v->def);
    188 	if (v->n != NULL) { /* This is the top of a stack */
    189 		if (stack) { /* pop */
    190 			vp[h].p = v->n;
    191 			efree(v);
    192 		} else { /* else just empty */
    193 			v->extdef = NULL;
    194 			v->def = NULL;
    195 		}
    196 	} else { /* needs to be removed from the hash table */
    197 		efree(v);
    198 		vp[h].p = NULL;
    199 		efree(vp[h].name);
    200 		if (vp[(h+1)&(vsize-1)].name == NULL) {
    201 			--vused;
    202 			vp[h].name = NULL;
    203 		} else {
    204 			vp[h].name = dead;
    205 		}
    206 	}
    207 }
    209 static void free_fn(rc_Function *f) {
    210 	treefree(f->def);
    211 	efree(f->extdef);
    212 }
    214 extern void initenv(char **envp) {
    215 	int n;
    216 	for (n = 0; envp[n] != NULL; n++)
    217 		;
    218 	n++; /* one for the null terminator */
    219 	if (n < HASHSIZE)
    220 		n = HASHSIZE;
    221 	env = ealloc((envsize = 2 * n) * sizeof (char *));
    222 	for (; *envp != NULL; envp++)
    223 		if (strncmp(*envp, "fn_", conststrlen("fn_")) == 0) {
    224 			if (!dashpee)
    225 				fnassign_string(*envp);
    226 		} else {
    227 			if (!varassign_string(*envp)) /* add to bozo env */
    228 				env[bozosize++] = *envp;
    229 		}
    230 }
    232 static char *neverexport[] = {
    233 	"apid", "apids", "bqstatus", "cdpath", "home",
    234 	"ifs", "path", "pid", "status", "*"
    235 };
    237 /* for a few variables that have default values, we export them only
    238 if they've been explicitly set; maybeexport[n].flag is TRUE if this
    239 has occurred. */
    240 struct nameflag {
    241 	char *name;
    242 	bool flag;
    243 };
    244 static struct nameflag maybeexport[] = {
    245 	{ "prompt", FALSE },
    246 	{ "version", FALSE }
    247 };
    249 void set_exportable(char *s, bool b) {
    250 	int i;
    251 	for (i = 0; i < arraysize(maybeexport); ++i)
    252 		if (maybeexport[i].flag != b && streq(s, maybeexport[i].name))
    253 			maybeexport[i].flag = b;
    254 }
    256 static bool var_exportable(char *s) {
    257 	int i;
    258 	for (i = 0; i < arraysize(neverexport); i++)
    259 		if (streq(s, neverexport[i]))
    260 			return FALSE;
    261 	for (i = 0; i < arraysize(maybeexport); i++)
    262 		if (maybeexport[i].flag == FALSE && streq(s, maybeexport[i].name))
    263 			return FALSE;
    264 	return TRUE;
    265 }
    267 static bool fn_exportable(char *s) {
    268 	int i;
    269 	if (strncmp(s, "sig", conststrlen("sig")) == 0) { /* small speed hack */
    270 		for (i = 0; i < NUMOFSIGNALS; i++)
    271 			if (streq(s, signals[i].name))
    272 				return FALSE;
    273 		if (streq(s, "sigexit"))
    274 			return FALSE;
    275 	}
    276 	return TRUE;
    277 }
    279 extern char **makeenv() {
    280 	int ep, i;
    281 	char *v;
    282 	if (!env_dirty)
    283 		return env;
    284 	env_dirty = FALSE;
    285 	ep = bozosize;
    286 	if (vsize + fsize + 1 + bozosize > envsize) {
    287 		envsize = 2 * (bozosize + vsize + fsize + 1);
    288 		env = erealloc(env, envsize * sizeof(char *));
    289 	}
    290 	for (i = 0; i < vsize; i++) {
    291 		if (vp[i].name == NULL || vp[i].name == dead || !var_exportable(vp[i].name))
    292 			continue;
    293 		v = varlookup_string(vp[i].name);
    294 		if (v != NULL)
    295 			env[ep++] = v;
    296 	}
    297 	for (i = 0; i < fsize; i++) {
    298 		if (fp[i].name == NULL || fp[i].name == dead || !fn_exportable(fp[i].name))
    299 			continue;
    300 		env[ep++] = fnlookup_string(fp[i].name);
    301 	}
    302 	env[ep] = NULL;
    303 	qsort(env, (size_t) ep, sizeof(char *), starstrcmp);
    304 	return env;
    305 }
    307 extern void whatare_all_vars(bool showfn, bool showvar) {
    308 	int i;
    309 	List *s;
    310 	if (showvar)
    311 		for (i = 0; i < vsize; i++)
    312 			if (vp[i].name != NULL && (s = varlookup(vp[i].name)) != NULL)
    313 				prettyprint_var(1, vp[i].name, s);
    314 	if (showfn)
    315 		for (i = 0; i < fsize; i++)
    316 			if (fp[i].name != NULL && fp[i].name != dead)
    317 				prettyprint_fn(1, fp[i].name, fnlookup(fp[i].name));
    318 }
    320 extern char *compl_name(const char *text, int state, char **p, size_t count, ssize_t inc) {
    321 	static char **n;
    322 	static size_t i, len;
    323 	char *name;
    325 	if (!state) {
    326 		n = p;
    327 		i = 0;
    328 		len = strlen(text);
    329 	}
    330 	for (name = NULL; name == NULL && i < count; i++, n += inc)
    331 		if (*n != NULL && strncmp(*n, text, len) == 0)
    332 			name = strdup(*n);
    333 	return name;
    334 }
    336 extern char *compl_fn(const char *text, int state) {
    337 	return compl_name(text, state, &fp[0].name, fsize, &fp[1].name - &fp[0].name);
    338 }
    340 extern char *compl_var(const char *text, int state) {
    341 	return compl_name(text, state, &vp[0].name, vsize, &vp[1].name - &vp[0].name);
    342 }